Our lightest webbing anchor for 25mm webbing and soft release attachement.
Aeris is our lightest webbing anchoring device, made to lower the weight of your rig and your backpack. This weblock is designed for 25mm wide webbing. Thanks to center diverter with 25mm diameter, the webbing retains more than 90% of its strength. Haight of the sideplates and size of device can handle thick and doubled webbings. Locking mechanism allows you to pretension the webbing in one way, while it’s locked in the other way. Aeris allows to direct mount of soft-release webbing. It also allows to tension shorter longlines by soft release strap.
Personal engraveing is possible for 3Eur.
Working Load Limit: 12kN
Minimum Breaking Strength: 60kN
Weight: 170g
Diamensions: 104x57x50mm
Main diverter diameter: 25mm
Inner width: 26,8mm
Sideplates material: Anodised aluminium
Main diverter material: Anodised aluminium